Upcoming Coach trips 2024

11th May Exbury Gardens

Have a steam train ride!!

Exbury, our first trip this year!!!!

Saturday 11th May 2024 day trip to Exbury Gardens in the New Forest.

We have chosen to visit Exbury in May to see their vast collection of dazzling flowering Azalias and Rhododendrons as well as the late Spring and early summer collection of camassias, flowering cherries and flowering shrubs.

The gardens were created for the de Rothschilds family 100 years ago and stretches down to the banks of the tranquil River Beaulieu.

More than 100 years in the making, Exbury's glorious gardens, designed and curated by the de Rothschild family, have the power to delight and inspire in equal measure.

This spectacular collection of landscaped woodland, herbaceous, contemporary, formal and wildflower gardens provide an ever-changing palette of colour that will entice you back to witness the seasons unfold. 



Pick up points are Kidmore End turn (9.00am), Sonning Common Post Office (9.05 am), and Peppard Stores

(9.10am) returning at approximately 5.45pm


Phone number

Pickup Point

 Members/Non-members £34.00 Deadline   1st May 2024

I enclose cheque/cash in the sum of £                      Please make cheques payable to C.E.H.S

Signature: Tel No: ____________________________

Please return completed form to Mark Richards c/o, 18 Kennylands Road, Sonning Common, RG4 9JT

Any queries contact Mark Richards

15th June RHS Wisley